Managing Authority Ministry of Regional Development and Public AdministrationManaging Authority Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration
This document is subject to modifications and will be submitted to the jpc for approval in March 2015
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Monday 12th march 2012Monday 12th march 2012
Cllr Woodcock sent her apologies with a reason for her absence which was accepted
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Crowthorne parish council minutes of a meeting of crowthorne parish council held onCrowthorne parish council minutes of a meeting of crowthorne parish council held on
Tuesday 1 december 2015 at the parish hall, heath hill road south, crowthorne at 30PM
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Chapel haddlesey parish council minutes of the parish council meetingChapel haddlesey parish council minutes of the parish council meeting
Apologies, acceptance of reasons for apologies and Declarations of Interest none
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Managing Authority Ministry of Regional Development and Public AdministrationManaging Authority Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration
Note: the draft is subject to modification in line with the jpc decision regarding approval of the Programme
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Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st August 2011 at Thornton Community Centre. Members PresentBagworth and Thornton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st August 2011 at Thornton Community Centre. Members Present
Borough Cllr O’Shea reported that speeding in Bagworth had become a problem especially near the Maynard, speed indicators had recorded an average of 47mph
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At the jubilee hall, stadon road, ansteyAt the jubilee hall, stadon road, anstey
Nigel Aston Vicky Ball Barbara Bradshaw Ian Grogan Glyn McAllister Dave Parker Roger Peat Mike Roe Brian Rowlinson Sarah Taylor Chris Tunaley
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Wellington Town Council Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones mbe karen roper b. A (Hons), dmsWellington Town Council Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones mbe karen roper b. A (Hons), dms
Proposed by Cllr Morris-Mason, seconded by Cllr Hall and resolved unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record
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Minutes of the historic aircraft association council meetingMinutes of the historic aircraft association council meeting
Edwards as the new Chairman of the haa opened the meeting by expressing his pleasure of being appointed in the role and had been very impressed with all the work achieved by the outgoing Chairman Wally Epton and his team
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Permanent council of the oea/Ser. G organization of american states cp/csh/SA. 62/99 corPermanent council of the oea/Ser. G organization of american states cp/csh/SA. 62/99 cor
Support for the Demining Program in Central America [AG/res. 1568 (xxviii-o/98)]
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Elmham patient participation groupElmham patient participation group
It was at this juncture that the ppg secretary wished that the ground would open
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The cornwall college group excellence and experience committeeThe cornwall college group excellence and experience committee
Ofsted report and asked them to pass on congratulations to the staff. Responding the Principal thanked the committee for their contribution to the Ofsted report and confirmed that the staff had been awarded an additional day’s leave
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Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Fleckney Parish Council held at the Sports Centre, Leicester Road on Monday 9th March 2015Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Fleckney Parish Council held at the Sports Centre, Leicester Road on Monday 9th March 2015
Cllrs. G warren (Chairman), s bilbie, a birch, j earwaker, c goosey, c mcKemey, L mcKemey and L whitney
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Cornwall college further education corporationCornwall college further education corporation
The formal meeting was preceded by a tour of Duchy College Rosewarne with David Hinchcliffe and Dr Barry Mulholland
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Held in the Gascoigne Room at the Union Jack Club, Sandell St, London se1 on Monday 7th January 2013Held in the Gascoigne Room at the Union Jack Club, Sandell St, London se1 on Monday 7th January 2013
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